Presented by: Natalie Westera
Treating Couples with Sexual Difficulties
Online Workshop Series
About this workshop
In this workshop we will have an in-depth look at a case where the couple have difficulty with intimacy and sexual desire in their relationship. Analysing video material, we will work through a specific case and look at how to co-construct the case, as well as how to treat the presenting issues that the couple are struggling with. As a participant of this workshop, you will sharpen your clinical skills and develop your ability:
To co-construct a case around sexual difficulties and establish a third view.
Develop goals for therapy and having a clear vision of what it looks like for the couple to get better.
The use of isomorphic moves in Crucible Therapy and developing a collaborative alliance with the couple.
Low Desire and High Desire Partner
The ability to track an intervention and increase the couple’s level of functioning.
Self-validated vs other validated intimacy and helping the couple become more solid.
Increase the couples four points of balance.
The use of mind mapping and how to deal with mind masking and mind twisting.
Handling difficult dynamics arising in the therapy room.
Developing a balanced alliance with the couple.
Creating moments of meeting.
This will be an interactive workshop. The participants will be given the opportunity to practice the skills that are being taught, ask questions, and be involved in the process by getting into the therapist chair. There also will be focus on the importance of personal development of the therapist to be able to help the couple reach critical mass. In addition, the participants will get the opportunity to observe an experienced Crucible therapist demonstrating the skills that are being taught.
Please note:
This workshop will be building on the concepts and skills taught in the previous workshop Treating Couples Using Crucible Therapy. However, it is not a prerequisite for you to attend the previous workshop to understand the concepts being taught. The first 2 hours will still be dedicated to right brain teaching, using video material of treating a couple with intimacy and desire issues using Crucible Therapy. The second part of each webinar will be practical, giving the participants the opportunities to practice the skills that are being taught.
This is a 6-month online series, starting on May 15th, 2024. Each session will occur on Zoom from 4 pm to 7 pm (Central European Time).
These are the dates for the workshop:
Wednesday 15th May 2024 at 4pm to 7pm (CET)
Wednesday 12th June 2024 at 4 to 7 pm (CET)
Wednesday 11th September 2024 at 4 to 7 (CET)
Wednesday 9th October 2024 at 4 to 7 pm. (CET)
Wednesday 13th November2024 at 4 to 7 pm. (CET)
Wednesday 11th December 2024 at 4 to 7 pm (CET)
Cost: 900 US or 830 euro for 6 months.
To register: If you are interested in registering for this workshop, please send an email to Limited spaces are available.
About the presenter: Natalie trained with Dr David Schnarch from 2011 to 2020 and she currently teaches Crucible Therapy to consultation groups both in Europe and in Australia. She also runs workshops with therapists in Europe, USA and Australia. Natalie is a couple and family therapist with 20+ years of clinical experience. She works in private practice in Norway. In addition, she has worked at the Family Department at Modum Bad, private practice in Australia, Ullevaal Hospital in Oslo, Child and Youth Mental Health (CYMHS) and Logan Hospital.